On the night of our third Loaves and Fishes experience, we were pretty sure we had it down.  We got to the church right on time, followed the signs to the basement, and donned the regular gloves, aprons, and (incredibly attractive) hair nets.  The pudding position was taken up by Sarah, and Liza and Morgan volunteered to run tables.  Immediately conversation sprung up between the church members and our group.  We discovered some mutual friends, and then dinner service started up.

Dinner service went well; no surprises and good company.  What struck us this time was the willingness and joy of the other volunteers.  They were talking, laughing, and being friendly to everyone.  We couldn't believe that these busy adults found time to serve and were joyous about it.  It was inspiring and reassuring to our entire group.  It showed us how much of a difference we could make.  

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